Monday, March 30, 2009

Privacy Policy

Here are a few lines of policy regarding the privacy of the visitors of this blog.
* Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on this site.
* Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to the users based on their visit to this site and other sites on the Internet.
* Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

What is a cookie?

A “cookie” is a small text file containing a string of alphanumeric characters. There are two types of cookies: a persistent cookie and a session cookie. A persistent cookie gets entered by your Web browser into the cookie folder on your computer’s hard drive. A persistent cookie remains in that cookie folder, which is maintained and governed by your Web browser, after you close your browser program. A session cookie is temporary and disappears after you close your browser. DoubleClick’s ad-serving and paid search listing (“DART Search”) products utilize the same cookie: the DART cookie. The DART cookie is a persistent cookie and consists of the name of the domain that set the cookie (“”), the lifetime of the cookie, and a “value.” DoubleClick’s DART technology generates a unique series of characters for the “value” portion of the cookie.

What is the DoubleClick DART cookie?

The DoubleClick DART cookie is used by Google in the ads served on publisher websites displaying AdSense for content ads. When users visit an AdSense publisher's website and either view or click on an ad, a cookie may be dropped on that end user's browser. The data gathered from these cookies will be used to help AdSense publishers better serve and manage the ads on their site(s) and across the web.

What is the DoubleClick cookie doing on my computer?

If you have a DoubleClick cookie in your Cookies folder, it is most likely a DART cookie. The DoubleClick DART cookie helps marketers learn how well their Internet advertising campaigns or paid search listings perform. Many marketers and Internet websites use DoubleClick’s DART technology to deliver and serve their advertisements or manage their paid search listings. DoubleClick’s DART products set or recognize a unique, persistent cookie when an ad is displayed or a paid listing is selected. The information that the DART cookie helps to give marketers includes the number of unique users their advertisements were displayed to, how many users clicked on their Internet ads or paid listings, and which ads or paid listings they clicked on.

Why does your cookie keep coming back after I delete it?

When you visit any website or search engine on which DoubleClick’s DART technology is used, our servers will check to see if you already have a DART cookie. If the servers do not receive a DART cookie, the servers will try to set a cookie in response to your browser’s “request” to view that Web page. If you do not want a DART cookie with a unique value, you can obtain a DoubleClick DART “opt out” cookie. Alternatively, you can adjust your Internet browser’s settings for handling cookies. This is explained in the next question.

How can I adjust my cookie settings to accept or decline cookies?

To eliminate cookies you may have currently accepted, and to deny or limit cookies in the future, please follow one of these procedures:


* If you are using Internet Explorer 6.0, go to the Tools menu, then to Internet Options, then to the Privacy tab. This version of Internet Explorer is the first to use P3P to distinguish between types of cookies. P3P uses standardized privacy statements made by the cookie issuer to manage your acceptance of cookies. Under the “Privacy” tab, click on the “Advanced” button. Select “Override automatic cookie handling” and choose whether you want to accept, block or be prompted for “First-party” and “Third-party Cookies.” If you want to block all cookies coming from DoubleClick’s domain, go to the “Web Sites” section under the “Privacy” tab and click the “Edit” button. In the “Address of Web site” field, enter “,” select “Block,” click OK (menu will disappear); click OK again and you will be back to the browser.

* If you are using Netscape 6.0+, go to “Edit” in the menu bar, click on “Preferences,” click on “Advanced,” and select the “Cookies” field. Now check either the box that says, “Warn me before accepting a cookie” or “Disable cookies.” Click on “OK.” Now go to your “Start” button, click on “Find,” click on “Files and Folders,” type “cookies.txt” into the search box that appears, and click “Find Now.” When the search results appear, drag all files listed, into the “Recycle Bin.” Now shut down and restart your Netscape. Depending on your earlier choice you will either be prompted by new cookie sets or no cookies will be set or received.

* If you are using Mozilla or Safari, please go to their websites to find out how to disable cookies in those programs.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How to Lose Weight Fast?

If you are planning a vacation, getting married or have a significant event you need to lose weight quickly for there are many things you can do. Losing weight quickly is possible but you must be dedicated. Your lifestyle may require a few changes like your meals, exercising, water intake and more.
You cannot stop eating to lose weight quickly. Many people starve themselves to lose weight. If you have done this in the past you may find it is impossible to do it now. This is because your body becomes accustomed to you starving yourself and begins to store fat in your body. The next time you try to starve yourself again it will seem impossible to lose weight.
You have to eat if you want to lose weight. What you eat is very important. The best thing you can do is cut out all of the high in saturated fat foods out of your diet. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and a high in fiber diet. Try not to eat too many carbohydrates also. You shouldn’t skip meals. If you do the best meal to skip is dinner. Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning so you have the energy to make it through the day and lunch. It is also very important that you watch your portions. If you are one to put large helpings on your plate remember you are trying to lose weight. Try cutting your portions in half and chew slower. You will fill up faster and not be so hungry. Slow down on how fast you eat a meal.
Another thing you need to remember is that you should try not to snack and eat additional meals throughout the day. If you do find you need a snack and you cannot make it through the day without snacking then reach for an apple or healthy fruits and vegetables rather than something that is bad for you.
Water is the one thing you should be drinking a lot of. If you are a heavy coffee drinker or a soda drinker then your body is retaining excess fluids that you need to get rid of. Drinking water will help your body flush out the toxins and decrease inflammation. When you drink a lot of water instead of the sodas and other diuretics you can lose weight very quickly.
Exercise is extremely important. You can lose weight by altering your diet but when you exercise you can really speed up the process. Exercise gets your heart rate going, improves circulation, and helps you lose weight by sweating out the extra pounds. The best exercise you can get is aerobic exercise that gets you into a sweat. Because you want to lose weight fast you need to sweat.
There are many ways you can lose weight quickly if you have a big event coming up quickly. These things include changing your diet, exercising and drinking plenty of water. You have to make a lifestyle change and be entirely committed to it in order to lose weight.

Losing Belly Fat Fast Tricks

Many of us are struggling with losing the same ten pounds over and over again. This is hard enough, but when you add belly fat to the mix, it becomes nearly impossible. There are many products being advertised today on TV about how to rid your body of belly fat forever and exercise equipment that claim to address belly fat specifically. Some of these products may be worthwhile and others may not fulfill the promises they make. There is no simple answer to losing that extra weight or belly fat. While some of the products on the market may help, nothing can replace diet and exercise. What can make your efforts more successful is eating correctly and doing the correct exercises for the stomach area.
The following are some suggestions for a healthy diet that will help you lose that belly fat.
• Eating often is a key to any weight loss program. Five to six times a day is best. This prevents overeating and increases your metabolism. Binging is the worst for belly fat.
• Try to do most of your eating early in the day and eat less as the day goes on. Try not to eat after 6 p.m.
• After eating, try not to sit still for long periods of time. Walk around a bit.
• Drink plenty of water. The suggested amounts are eight glasses per day. In addition to the health benefits, this flushes your system.
• Every once in awhile have a “dairy day”. Drink only whole milk and eat plain yogurt. You will be amazed at how this cleanses your system. (If you do this, be sure you can get to a bathroom easily.)
• Eat fat burning foods. These are foods that are rich in proteins and include brown rice, bran, oats, whole wheat foods, fruits, vegetables, skim milk, egg whites, chicken breasts lean meats, and seafood.
• Avoid the obvious “diet killers”, such as pizza, hamburgers, ice cream, all fried foods, ice cream, sweets, junk foods, white bread, pasta, and white rice. (Many diet plans suggest staying away from all white foods.)
Exercises that will help you lose that belly fat and flatten your stomach.
• Being active is the best way to control your weight.
• Walking and jogging is great exercise. Bicycling and swimming are also great.
• Do regular cardio workouts. This increases your metabolic rate, which is essential if you want a flat stomach.
• Try exercising with an exercise ball. These come in different sizes. In addition to being easy on the back, they offer more range of motion as you work your whole body. Try doing “ab crunches” or sit-ups using the exercise ball.
• One exercise using a small ball is to hold the ball over your right shoulder with outstretched arms and pivot your torso in that same direction raising your right; then bring the ball down an up again over the left shoulder. Repeat the same motion on the left side. Do ten to fifteen repetitions.
• Lying on your back, place your hands by your side and lift your knees, making legs perpendicular to the floor. Lift your hips a little so your legs move toward the ceiling, hold briefly and contract your abs. Lower yourself slowly back to the floor. Keep the lower back and shoulders touching the floor throughout the exercise. Do three sets of fifteen repetitions.