Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks Without Starvation!

Many people assume that dropping ten pounds in two weeks is something that really cannot be done. The fact is though that it really can be done and it can be done in a physically safe way. If you are looking to drop ten pounds in a matter of just a couple of weeks you will have to make sure that you are truly putting a lot of effort into it. This is not something that can be done casually so you really must make sure that you are one hundred percent commitment to your goal. You also want to make sure that you are ready for a lot of work because it is not going to be easy.

The best way to go about dropping ten pounds in two weeks without starving yourself is to exercise a lot. This of course does not mean taking the dog for a brief walk once a week. What this does mean is a high intense workout for hours a day every day. If you are not used to a lot of exercise you will run the risk of injury so make sure that you are being as careful as possible. Along with the intense workout program you want to obviously watch what you eat. Cut back on the snacks high in sugar and calories and drink a lot of water. The water will help to flush your system and it is the best way to make sure that you stay hydrated during your powerful workout sessions. 

There is of course different diet plans out there that are meant to be used for short periods of time. These diets are designed to help shock your body into burning more calories. So you will be able to eat balanced meals and drop the weight. No one needs to starve themselves to drop the weight. Starvation is a way to do it but you would be unhealthy, land yourself in the hospital, and be sure to add the weight you lost along with additional weight as soon as you start to eat again. You should always make sure that you are following a diet plan that will allow you to drop the weight and keep it off. 

If you find that you are afraid you will not be able to commit yourself to extreme workouts for even two weeks then you may want to see if you can get some of your friends or family involved. Having someone working out right next to you will make it a much more fun experience and it will help to keep you motivated. Even if your workout partner is just with you for the two weeks, it will help you get to that point of being ten pounds lighter. 

So make sure that you are eating better by mixing up your diet and watching what you eat, exercise for hours a day with some sort of high intensity workout, and get someone to join you for the ride. By doing all of this you will see that you will accomplish your goal in no time at all. Those two weeks will go by really fast and before you know it you will be at your goal and be so much happier for it. 

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