Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How to Lose Weight Fast?

If you are planning a vacation, getting married or have a significant event you need to lose weight quickly for there are many things you can do. Losing weight quickly is possible but you must be dedicated. Your lifestyle may require a few changes like your meals, exercising, water intake and more.
You cannot stop eating to lose weight quickly. Many people starve themselves to lose weight. If you have done this in the past you may find it is impossible to do it now. This is because your body becomes accustomed to you starving yourself and begins to store fat in your body. The next time you try to starve yourself again it will seem impossible to lose weight.
You have to eat if you want to lose weight. What you eat is very important. The best thing you can do is cut out all of the high in saturated fat foods out of your diet. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and a high in fiber diet. Try not to eat too many carbohydrates also. You shouldn’t skip meals. If you do the best meal to skip is dinner. Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning so you have the energy to make it through the day and lunch. It is also very important that you watch your portions. If you are one to put large helpings on your plate remember you are trying to lose weight. Try cutting your portions in half and chew slower. You will fill up faster and not be so hungry. Slow down on how fast you eat a meal.
Another thing you need to remember is that you should try not to snack and eat additional meals throughout the day. If you do find you need a snack and you cannot make it through the day without snacking then reach for an apple or healthy fruits and vegetables rather than something that is bad for you.
Water is the one thing you should be drinking a lot of. If you are a heavy coffee drinker or a soda drinker then your body is retaining excess fluids that you need to get rid of. Drinking water will help your body flush out the toxins and decrease inflammation. When you drink a lot of water instead of the sodas and other diuretics you can lose weight very quickly.
Exercise is extremely important. You can lose weight by altering your diet but when you exercise you can really speed up the process. Exercise gets your heart rate going, improves circulation, and helps you lose weight by sweating out the extra pounds. The best exercise you can get is aerobic exercise that gets you into a sweat. Because you want to lose weight fast you need to sweat.
There are many ways you can lose weight quickly if you have a big event coming up quickly. These things include changing your diet, exercising and drinking plenty of water. You have to make a lifestyle change and be entirely committed to it in order to lose weight.

Losing Belly Fat Fast Tricks

Many of us are struggling with losing the same ten pounds over and over again. This is hard enough, but when you add belly fat to the mix, it becomes nearly impossible. There are many products being advertised today on TV about how to rid your body of belly fat forever and exercise equipment that claim to address belly fat specifically. Some of these products may be worthwhile and others may not fulfill the promises they make. There is no simple answer to losing that extra weight or belly fat. While some of the products on the market may help, nothing can replace diet and exercise. What can make your efforts more successful is eating correctly and doing the correct exercises for the stomach area.
The following are some suggestions for a healthy diet that will help you lose that belly fat.
• Eating often is a key to any weight loss program. Five to six times a day is best. This prevents overeating and increases your metabolism. Binging is the worst for belly fat.
• Try to do most of your eating early in the day and eat less as the day goes on. Try not to eat after 6 p.m.
• After eating, try not to sit still for long periods of time. Walk around a bit.
• Drink plenty of water. The suggested amounts are eight glasses per day. In addition to the health benefits, this flushes your system.
• Every once in awhile have a “dairy day”. Drink only whole milk and eat plain yogurt. You will be amazed at how this cleanses your system. (If you do this, be sure you can get to a bathroom easily.)
• Eat fat burning foods. These are foods that are rich in proteins and include brown rice, bran, oats, whole wheat foods, fruits, vegetables, skim milk, egg whites, chicken breasts lean meats, and seafood.
• Avoid the obvious “diet killers”, such as pizza, hamburgers, ice cream, all fried foods, ice cream, sweets, junk foods, white bread, pasta, and white rice. (Many diet plans suggest staying away from all white foods.)
Exercises that will help you lose that belly fat and flatten your stomach.
• Being active is the best way to control your weight.
• Walking and jogging is great exercise. Bicycling and swimming are also great.
• Do regular cardio workouts. This increases your metabolic rate, which is essential if you want a flat stomach.
• Try exercising with an exercise ball. These come in different sizes. In addition to being easy on the back, they offer more range of motion as you work your whole body. Try doing “ab crunches” or sit-ups using the exercise ball.
• One exercise using a small ball is to hold the ball over your right shoulder with outstretched arms and pivot your torso in that same direction raising your right; then bring the ball down an up again over the left shoulder. Repeat the same motion on the left side. Do ten to fifteen repetitions.
• Lying on your back, place your hands by your side and lift your knees, making legs perpendicular to the floor. Lift your hips a little so your legs move toward the ceiling, hold briefly and contract your abs. Lower yourself slowly back to the floor. Keep the lower back and shoulders touching the floor throughout the exercise. Do three sets of fifteen repetitions.

How to Get Skinny Really Fast?

Losing weight and keeping it off seems to be a real challenge for many of us. There is no secret to get skinny really fast. Getting thin requires a commitment, determination, and hard work over an extended period of time. If you are willing to commit to a rigorous program, you will be amazed at how fast the weight does come off. The key is having a plan and sticking to it over the long haul.
There are many products being advertised today claiming to work miracles and help you lose 10 to 30 pounds in no time at all. However, nothing can replace diet, exercise, and “stick-to-tive-ness”. In order to lose that weight fast, you need to learn what to eat, what to eat, and how to maximize your exercise routine.If there is a secret, the secret is to study the habits of skinny people. There are tricks that skinny people have that keep them skinny. Skinny people are not just lucky. So the best possible way to get thin is to find out what the “thin people” are doing and do the same.
Some Suggestions for losing weight quickly –
• Eating often is key. Five to six times a day is best. This increases your metabolism. Do not skip meals; eat less and make sure that there are vegetables and fruits included in each meal. These help in digestion.
• Never overeat- Skinny people never over eat.
• If you are doing any diet, mix it up. This shocks your body and makes it work harder to keep up with the change in diet.
• Do most of your eating early in the day and eat less and less as the day goes on. Stop eating after 6 p.m.
• Walk around right after eating.
• Drink plenty of water, eight or more glasses per day.
• Try a “dairy day”. Drink only whole milk and eat plain yogurt. This is particularly good after a “bad” day since it cleanses your system like you won’t believe. (If you do this, be sure you can get to a bathroom easily.)
• Try a day or two of just vegetables.
• Eat fat burning foods, such as fruits, vegetables, bran, oats, skim milk, egg whites, chicken breasts lean meats, and fish.
• Avoid the “bad foods”. Until you reach your goal weight, eliminate pizza, hamburgers, ice cream, all fried foods, ice cream, sweets, junk foods, and all white foods.
• Eat 20 grams of protein at every meal. This will speed up your metabolism and suppress your appetite.
• Try a colon-cleansing product as recommended by your doctor. This may help you rid your body of any extra weight trapped in your colon.
• Detoxify your fat cells by having fruit juices and ginger tea.
• Stay focused on your goal. Determination will help you find solutions when obstacles arise.
• Be creative if you are going out to dinner or to visit friends.
• Stay active. This is the best way to control your weight. You rarely see a skinny couch potato.
• Do regular cardio workouts. This increases your metabolic rate, which is essential to losing weight. Walking, jogging, bicycling, and swimming are great.
• Do body squats. Do them fast and try to do three sets of 25.

Using Acai Berry for Weight Loss

For those of us, like myself, that are overweight, you may be looking for a miracle weight loss program. While many pills say that you will lose weight naturally, most are just filled with caffeine that gives you more energy but does not really help you to lose weight. Using Acai berry for weight loss is a wholly natural way to help get rid of those pounds.

If you are serious about your weight loss, you are already exercising and trying to eat the correct foods to ensure the proper way to lose your weight. Adding Acai berry to your diet will help you with your weight loss because it naturally helps your body eat up the sugars faster enabling you to lose weight faster as a result.

Because of the natural antioxidants in Acai berries, they are very effective in helping weight loss. This tiny little fruit is also full of natural vitamins and will help your body to build muscle as you are trying to lose weight. Many who go on diets do not think of the muscle they may lose or the bad health they can create for themselves with fad diets that just force you to eat one type of food while not bothering with your muscle loss at all. Acai berry is not like that at all, you just add them to your normal low fat diet and you are on your way.

There are many ways to enjoy and use the Acai berry for weight loss. Since this fruit does not lose any of it’s nutritional value in any form, whether it be dried, frozen, juice extracted or even a capsule form, you will still feel and get the full benefits no matter which way you chose to use your berries. There are benefits of each form these are sold as. The most potent would be the liquid form where the juices are extracted. But all forms work just as well.

Acai berry can be used as any other fruit in your daily diet. You can add it to your recipes or put it in some low fat cottage cheese for a snack. It is a very versatile fruit and will taste great with what ever you choose to pair it with. You can even use it as an edible garnish or to top your salad for an added burst of flavor. No matter how you choose to use them in your diet, they will help you with your weight loss and will be a benefit to your meal.

Alternatively you can use Acai berry for weight loss in a capsule form if you do not wish to use the actual berries or the liquid form. The berries and capsules can be found in most health food stores. If you have problems finding Acai berry, you can always search online, there are many reputable dealers and the cost may be less by purchasing them in bulk online as well. Since storage is not a problem, you can purchase many pounds, even enough for an entire month at one time and freeze them for later use.

Banana Diet and Weight Loss Tips

You might have heard about the banana diet. It is true that this diet works. There are many considerations with this diet you should think about. Also, your diet will consist of more than just bananas. Follow this plan if you want to lose weight and have a healthier body.

Bananas are high in fiber and needed to regulate your body. Fiber is essential for your health. Bananas have a lot of potassium in them also. This type of potassium helps your body absorb and push salt through your body. This means you will have less inflammation when you eat bananas if you have a high salt intake. Bananas are very healthy for you which makes this diet a really good idea. You will lose weight and get to the ideal size you wish you were at.

The first thing you need to consider when you are on the banana diet is that you need to eat at least one or two bananas prior to each meal. If you only eat one meal a day you still need to eat three bananas a day, minimum. This is really easy to do and not hard to forget. So with this first rule, you will eat one or two bananas before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner.  

When you are on the banana diet you are not restricted to eat specific meals. You can eat anything you want during each meal as long as you eat one or two bananas before each meal. It is common sense that you should eat healthy but if you want to eat a fast food meal and you just have to then eat two bananas before.

If you get sick of the taste of bananas because you are eating so many each day one thing to keep in mind is that there are other fruits you can supplement. However, you cannot supplement the fruits entirely but one during the day. For example, an apple can be substituted for one of your two bananas you are going to eat before breakfast and lunch. This won’t do much for you but help your taste buds with the boredom of eating the same thing every day.

There is not a guarantee to the amount of weight you can lose when you are on the banana diet. The banana diet is a very popular diet and well known around the nation. Many people claim to have great success with weight loss as others say it didn’t work for them. This plan is not a fast dieting solution but it is an extremely healthy one.

If you are interested in a diet plan that will allow you to eat what you want to you should try the banana diet. The only thing you need to do is eat a couple of bananas before each meal. Bananas are high in fiber and in potassium which are very healthy. Remember, this diet is not a guarantee you will lose a lot of weight or shed the pounds as quickly as you hope to.

Fastest Way to Lose Arm Fat

Do you have too much fat in your arms? Do you need to know the fastest way to lose arm fat? Some people think you can exercise away fat but that is a big misconception. So let's see what it will take to accomplish this.

First, you have to concentrate on your diet. If you are eating a high fat diet there is no way that you can lose arm fat by just exercising. So find yourself a good lifestyle eating plan rather than a short-term diet. This will be an eating plan you can live with day after day and year after year.

Once you start eating this new lower fat way you will see that you not only lose arm fat but excess weight from other parts of your body too. You will lose belly fat, arm fat, leg fat, and maybe even that unwanted fat off your tush. Now you will have to add exercise in with this new eating plan to be totally shaped up.

To help tone your arms as you lose the fat there are several exercises you can do. Here are some of the arm exercises that are highly effective for doing toning and strengthening:

You can do diamond push-ups to help tone the arms. You do these by placing you fingers in a shape of a diamond while you are doing push-ups. Do these about 4 to 5 times weekly to see the benefits. 
Weightlifting is probably the most used to firm the arms. What kind of muscle you want to build will determine how much weight you lift and how often. If you are just looking to tone, you do not need to work out as much as if you want the triceps to bulge. You need to begin any weightlifting slowly though to prevent injury.
Another good exercise is triceps dips. You need a table or some other surface. You need to face away from the surface or table, then put your heels of the hands on the surface's or table's edge and then walk your legs slowly away from the rest of your body. With having the weight on your hands, slowly lower your body. Do 3 sets of 15.
Tricep extensions work out the arms good too. For this one you need to grip a dumbbell in both of your hands and then raise up your arms over your head and do it until your elbows form a ninety-degree angle. Repeat this about 30 times.
You could also do backward lifts. You have to stand having your legs apart, then hold a dumbbell in each of your hands. Slowly lift the arms back and as far as they can be lifted back. Your hands have to face in a backward direction with this.
Stretching exercises for the arms also work in conjunction with all the exercises listed here. Just stretch and hold your arms in various directions.

If you follow a good eating plan, lose weight, and do exercises for your arms (and of course other parts of the body too), you will soon find that you have found the fastest way to lose arm fat. You have to stay with it though for it to be thoroughly successful.

How to get rid of stomach fat fast

Stomach fat is undeniably the most difficult weight to lose. Many people try fad diets and crunches, but these methods nearly always fail. There are, however, several effective ways to get rid of stomach fat fast. You can restore your self-confidence without feeling frustrated if you follow these simple guidelines.

Stomach fat is caused by poor diet and a lack of exercise. The most important thing you can do to get rid of stomach fat fast is to watch what you eat. Opt for healthy, low-fat meals and snacks. Increase your intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. This is the stepping-stone for losing weight of any kind.

Daily exercise combined with a healthy diet will cause the pounds to begin melting away. Exercise doesn’t have to be uncomfortable or embarrassing. Take a long walk, jog, or run every day. If this isn’t viable, try riding a stationary bike, swimming or aerobics. It’s important to choose an activity that you’re comfortable with and that you can commit to on a daily basis.  

Perform targeted abdominal exercises at least three times per week. Crunches alone will not get rid of stomach fat. You must work all the muscles of the stomach on a regular basis for effective fat loss. There is a variety of abdominal exercises that can be done lying down or standing. Find what works best for you.

Try herbal tea to boost your metabolism and increase the loss of stomach fat. Green tea is a classic ingredient for weight loss formulas. Drinking three cups per day can help you burn an additional ninety calories. Burdock and dandelion leaf tea assist the liver and can be extremely beneficial when you’re trying to lose stomach fat fast.  

Break the soda habit. This is extremely important, for both short term and long-term weight loss. Soda is filled with sugar, which can significantly add to stomach fat. Gradually reduce your dependence on soda until you have cut it from your diet completely. This simple step can make a huge difference, resulting in several pounds of weight loss per year, even if no other changes are made. However, if your goal is to lose stomach fat fast, cutting out soda alone won’t be enough.

Lower your stress levels. Many health experts agree that high stress can contribute to fat being trapped in the body, particularly in the stomach. Try yoga or meditation exercises to reduce stress. Herbal tea can also be effective for this purpose, as well as aromatherapy oils and baths. Do what works best for you. 

Perhaps the most important thing you can do to lose stomach fat is to create a plan and stick to it. Eat all of your meals at the same time each day. This will help curb hunger and accustom your body to a routine. Try to perform your exercise at the same time each day. For example, run or jog in the mornings and do abdominal exercises at night before bed. Find a system that works for your schedule and don’t give up. With consistency and commitment, you can get rid of stomach fat fast.

How to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks Without Starvation!

Many people assume that dropping ten pounds in two weeks is something that really cannot be done. The fact is though that it really can be done and it can be done in a physically safe way. If you are looking to drop ten pounds in a matter of just a couple of weeks you will have to make sure that you are truly putting a lot of effort into it. This is not something that can be done casually so you really must make sure that you are one hundred percent commitment to your goal. You also want to make sure that you are ready for a lot of work because it is not going to be easy.

The best way to go about dropping ten pounds in two weeks without starving yourself is to exercise a lot. This of course does not mean taking the dog for a brief walk once a week. What this does mean is a high intense workout for hours a day every day. If you are not used to a lot of exercise you will run the risk of injury so make sure that you are being as careful as possible. Along with the intense workout program you want to obviously watch what you eat. Cut back on the snacks high in sugar and calories and drink a lot of water. The water will help to flush your system and it is the best way to make sure that you stay hydrated during your powerful workout sessions. 

There is of course different diet plans out there that are meant to be used for short periods of time. These diets are designed to help shock your body into burning more calories. So you will be able to eat balanced meals and drop the weight. No one needs to starve themselves to drop the weight. Starvation is a way to do it but you would be unhealthy, land yourself in the hospital, and be sure to add the weight you lost along with additional weight as soon as you start to eat again. You should always make sure that you are following a diet plan that will allow you to drop the weight and keep it off. 

If you find that you are afraid you will not be able to commit yourself to extreme workouts for even two weeks then you may want to see if you can get some of your friends or family involved. Having someone working out right next to you will make it a much more fun experience and it will help to keep you motivated. Even if your workout partner is just with you for the two weeks, it will help you get to that point of being ten pounds lighter. 

So make sure that you are eating better by mixing up your diet and watching what you eat, exercise for hours a day with some sort of high intensity workout, and get someone to join you for the ride. By doing all of this you will see that you will accomplish your goal in no time at all. Those two weeks will go by really fast and before you know it you will be at your goal and be so much happier for it. 

Simple Female Exercises For Weight Loss

Simple Female Exercises For Weight Loss

If you are completely unhappy with what you see in the mirror then it is about time that you get focused and actually do something about it. There is nothing wrong or self centered about wanting to look your best. Self confidence is something that you really want to have so that you can live your life in the manner you really want to live it in. No one wants to be ashamed of their body and even if you have struggled with your weight for years, you can get rid of all of that extra fat and look better then you have ever looked before. There is nothing holding you back besides yourself so it is about time to make sure that you buckle down and get started. The only person that can hold you back is yourself so this means that you are in full control.

Getting yourself focused on the task at hand is the hardest thing to do so if you can get your mind set on what you want to achieve then you have won over the hardest part of the battle. Once you are determined that you are going to drop the extra weight and feel better about yourself, you now have to figure out just how you will go about doing that. Having an exact game plan is the best way to make sure that you are staying focused. There is nothing worse then starting out with no clue on what you should be doing and what you should not be doing. You want to make sure that you start off with easy stuff so that you do not injure yourself or get discouraged too soon. This is especially true for those that are not used to getting a lot of exercise in their daily routine.

Starting off with a treadmill is a get way to get started. Whether you purchase one or join your local gym, this is a great way to make sure that you are getting a workout. This cardio workout will help you drop some weight and will get your entire body in shape. Once you are ready to start toning up a little bit you could always seek out the free weights. Such exercises will help you drop a few pounds while building muscle. You do not have to be bulky but a little toning does not hurt anyone. Just make sure that you are starting out with light weights and then gradually work your way up. 

You will want to make sure that you are mixing up the cardio workout with the free weight workouts to make sure that you are truly getting the best of both worlds. While you could do one without the other, you will not loss the weight and tone up as quickly as you may like. Get yourself motivated and make sure that you are taking full advantage of the different exercises and equipment available to you. If you are clueless on how you should operate everything, if you have joined a gym you should check into speaking with one of their trainers. One or two sessions with a personal trainer should give you enough information to be on your way.