Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fastest Way to Lose Arm Fat

Do you have too much fat in your arms? Do you need to know the fastest way to lose arm fat? Some people think you can exercise away fat but that is a big misconception. So let's see what it will take to accomplish this.

First, you have to concentrate on your diet. If you are eating a high fat diet there is no way that you can lose arm fat by just exercising. So find yourself a good lifestyle eating plan rather than a short-term diet. This will be an eating plan you can live with day after day and year after year.

Once you start eating this new lower fat way you will see that you not only lose arm fat but excess weight from other parts of your body too. You will lose belly fat, arm fat, leg fat, and maybe even that unwanted fat off your tush. Now you will have to add exercise in with this new eating plan to be totally shaped up.

To help tone your arms as you lose the fat there are several exercises you can do. Here are some of the arm exercises that are highly effective for doing toning and strengthening:

You can do diamond push-ups to help tone the arms. You do these by placing you fingers in a shape of a diamond while you are doing push-ups. Do these about 4 to 5 times weekly to see the benefits. 
Weightlifting is probably the most used to firm the arms. What kind of muscle you want to build will determine how much weight you lift and how often. If you are just looking to tone, you do not need to work out as much as if you want the triceps to bulge. You need to begin any weightlifting slowly though to prevent injury.
Another good exercise is triceps dips. You need a table or some other surface. You need to face away from the surface or table, then put your heels of the hands on the surface's or table's edge and then walk your legs slowly away from the rest of your body. With having the weight on your hands, slowly lower your body. Do 3 sets of 15.
Tricep extensions work out the arms good too. For this one you need to grip a dumbbell in both of your hands and then raise up your arms over your head and do it until your elbows form a ninety-degree angle. Repeat this about 30 times.
You could also do backward lifts. You have to stand having your legs apart, then hold a dumbbell in each of your hands. Slowly lift the arms back and as far as they can be lifted back. Your hands have to face in a backward direction with this.
Stretching exercises for the arms also work in conjunction with all the exercises listed here. Just stretch and hold your arms in various directions.

If you follow a good eating plan, lose weight, and do exercises for your arms (and of course other parts of the body too), you will soon find that you have found the fastest way to lose arm fat. You have to stay with it though for it to be thoroughly successful.

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